Are You Struggling To Deal With A Financially Challenging Life Event?

Then you need a plan.  And here it is.

Divorcing or 

Recently Divorced?

I've been divorced.  More than once.  So I know what it is to have to pick up the financial pieces and start over.  This plan will lay out a path forward and give you hope.

Deep In Debt?

I've been here too.  Robbing from Peter to pay Paul is no solution.  With this plan you can lay out a roadmap for using your money in the most effective way to get debt free ASAP.

Reduction In Income?

If your income has shrunk due to job loss, career change or economic factors, making the adjustment can be tough.  With my methods, you can make it work and win.

Get Your FREE Intentional Spending Plan

*We will not share your info with anyone!

Your ISP Spreadsheet will put you in control of your spending.  And it will give you a clear summary of where your money goes every month.  You will also be able to calculate your all-important net worth.

You Get A Powerful Spreadsheet To Plan Your Spending In Detail 

This Intentional Spending Plan Is Designed To Give You Clarity, Hope and A Plan

You Also Get A Companion 

13-page PDF Workbook To Guide You Through Laying Out Your ISP

This companion workbook will let you see who you are, what you want and why.  It will walk you step-by-step through what you need to plan your financial comeback.

"I know what it is to have to struggle financially.  If I can comeback from bankruptcy, divorces, illnesses and job loss and still build a successful business, you can too.  Let me show you how."

Forrest Huguenin 
Money Mindset Coach
President, Intentional Money Solutions

Copyright © 2023 Intentional Money Solutions LLC - 70 E. Sunrise Hwy, Ste 500, Valley Stream, NY 11581 - 888-645-7669